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We believe that research activities serve state-of-the- art legal advice.



• Droit suisse des affaires, (Swiss Business Law), 3rd edition, 900 pages, co-authored with François Chaudet and Anne Cherpillod, Helbing & Lichtenhahn (Basel, Geneva, Munich), Bruylant (Brussels), L.G.D.J. (Paris), 2010.
• De Lege Negotiorum – Etudes autour du droit des affaires en l’honneur du professeur François Chaudet (Business Law Studies given as present to professor François Chaudet), 357 pages, as Liber Amicorum editor, Slatkine (Geneva), 2009.
• Assignment and Arbitration – A Comparative Study, 267 pages, PhD thesis of 2007 on international commercial arbitration (analysing the consequences of an assignment of contractual rights on the applicability of an arbitration agreement) awarded with the 2008 Alfred E. von Overbeck Prize of the Swiss Institute for Comparative Law (ISDC). Commercial edition published by Schulthess (Basel, Geneva, Zurich) and Sellier: European Law Publishers (Munich) in 2009.

Collaboration to books

• Arbitration Clauses for International Contracts by Paul D. Friedland, Juris Publishing, New York, 2000. There exists a 2nd edition (mere reprint) by Juris Publishing, New York and Stämpfli, Bern of 2004.


• “Les limites de l’ordre public posées à la liberté contractuelle – un exemple tiré du droit international privé suisse,” (Public Policy Limits to Contractual Freedom: an Example Drawn from Swiss Conflict of Laws’ Rules), 2009. PDF
• “Equité judiciaire et équité arbitrale: synonymes ?” (Judicial and Arbitral ex aequo et bono: synonyms?), 2009. PDF
• “L’astreinte: une mesure injustement boudée par le Projet de Code de procédure civile?” (The astreinte: a tool unjustifiedly sulken by the draft Code of Swiss Civil Procedure?), co-authored with James J. Greuter, 2008. PDF

Articles (continued)

• “L’équité de l’art. 4 CC et celle des arts. 31 al. 3 CIA et 187 al. 2 LDIP appliquées respectivement par le juge et par l’arbitre sont-elles synonymes ?” (Are art. 4 CC equity and that of art. 31(3) CIA and 187(2) LDIP applied respectively by judges and arbitrators synonyms?), 2008. PDF
• “The Civil Astreinte as an Incentive Measure in Litigation and International Arbitration Practice in Switzerland: Is There a Need for Incorporation ?,” co-authored with James J. Greuter, 2007. PDF
• “European Convention on Human Rights’ Impact on Consensual Arbitration – An État des Lieux of Strasbourg Case-Law and of a Problematic Swiss Law Feature,” 2006. PDF
• “Américanisation du droit suisse de l’arbitrage commercial international?” (Americanisation of Swiss Law on International Commercial Arbitration?), 2006. PDF

Case Notes

• Commentary of the Final Arbitral Award rendered in 2003 in the case SCC 12/2002 (topic: transfer or extension of the arbitration clause to third parties), 2004. PDF
• Commentary of the Swiss Federal Tribunal Decision published in ATF 127/2001 III 279 (topic: lis pendens between judicial proceedings abroad and arbitral proceedings with seat in Switzerland), 2002. PDF


Review of professor Gabriel Aubert article published in ASA Bulletin 2000, pp. 2-30 on “L’arbitrage en droit du travail” (Arbitration in Employment Cases), 2001. PDF

flechePlease find hereafter a list of Dr. Juan Carlos Landrove selected publications: